Every once in a while liberal eclectic comes across a treasure that combines all the references we are passionate about in one institution – architecture, history, coffee and interiors.
Caffe Torino is one such and whoever wrote the spiel for their website is also an individual passionate about the same things. It is inspirational and makes one want to board the plane immediately for Torino. It inspires us to value what we have, that even the smallest thing like having a coffee can involve ritual that reconnects us to our roots and our history – so heartwarming!
One of the focal points of Torino and Turin is “…the fabulous Caffè Torino. It was opened in 1903 by its founding Father, who with great courage and enthusiasm wanted to compete with other historic cafés overlooking the superb Piazza San Carlo. He immediately made a living room. The fine marble, the painted medallions, the long wooden counterbalance…the sumptuous and harmonious staircase, the golden mirrors: everything was conceived in the spirit of the epoch, which still translates to good taste that is timeless.
Today, Caffè Torino is more than a hundred years old…with its original furnishings and rare pieces intact. Intact, the quality and care of its exclusive recipes remain the same, with unique delicacies.
History, culture and worldliness have found in Caffè Torino the perfect setting to express themselves…Describe the attendants: from Pavese to Einaudi to De Gasperi. But even the myths of the glittering 1950s loved to stop here: James Stewart, the controversial Ava Gardner and …the splendid Brigitte Bardot. And again, the unforgettable Erminio Macario. Except for the miracle of the English incursions in November of 1942, Caffè Torino knew in those 1950s a new “glamorous” season after the rampant greyness of the War.”
Thank heavens for institutions like these!