Jerwood Gallery Hastings…

One of the key institutions in any city is the public art gallery.  Often when arriving in a city for the first time one of the initial activities undertaken is a visit to the public art gallery because by doing so some connection is made to the district which goes deeper than a superficial appreciation which might be gained from driving through the streets for example, or visiting local institutions such as pubs, clubs or sporting venues, or distinctly local museums. It is possible to find out more about the values of the people, places and history of a city (and region) to a greater extent by spending time in the local public gallery even if it is at a cursory level.  It can put the city and region into context in a way no other institution can. And generally a bespoke architecturally designed gallery will also improve the economic standing of a city because it provides a focal point for tourists.  Additionally a quality gallery leads debate on current issues in a nuanced manner and once again in a way no other establishment is able to do.

The architecture of Jerwood Gallery by HAT Projects will endure as such a focal point for the city of Hastings because it has been designed and built with the legacy of the people and extant architecture of Hastings at the forefront of the architect’s design sensibility.  It is strident in an unpretentious way; it honours the past of Hastings but is completely of its time; it evokes both utilitarian simplicity and surprise when combined with the materials used.  And the surprises are infinite depending on the time of day and the angle from which the gallery is viewed.

“Our design has won praise for its sensitive handling of form, the quality and intimacy of the internal gallery spaces, and its signature hand-glazed ceramic cladding which reflects and refracts the seaside light. Nestling among the unique listed ‘net shops’ of the fishing beach, it is carefully composed in dialogue with its context, whether viewed from the street or from the cliffs that overlook the roofscape.”

The fact that each of the tiles is different suggests the individual stories of the men and women of the fishing industry which has sustained Hastings across the centuries.  Moreover in their individual dynamism they echo the changing face of history in Hastings in subtle but complementary ways…

Images processed by CodeCarvings Piczard ### FREE Community Edition ### on 2014-09-10 15:04:36Z | | are: interior gallery scene, city contextual image, feature image.

Everything Comes from the Egg: Stephen Turner 16th Sept – 15th Oct 2017. “Stephen Turner was commissioned by Space Placemaking and Urban Design to develop his unique concept for the Exbury Egg with architects PAD Studio and boat builder Paul Baker, as the sculptural hub for a live and work space on the Beaulieu River on the Exbury Estate in Hampshire. Outside it took on the marks of the daily tides and over 18 months of weathering by wind, rain and sun, whist the space inside traces the artist’s engagement with his temporary home and surroundings.”

 “The ‘blueprint’ for the Exbury Egg, echoes its symbolism as a blueprint of life. Aesthetically perfect, eggs contain in embryo the essentials for new life. From primate to plankton they embody the idea of new birth and renewal, protection and fragility. In an urban world where we are increasingly disconnected from nature I wanted to use this ancient archetypal symbol to nurture re-enchantment with the natural world, as a step toward a sustainable future.” – Stephen Turner

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