Casa Bonay Barcelona: Rolling on intuition…

Liberal eclectic was super excited when it came across Casa Bonay; an historic building which has been refurbished into a modern hotel.  While exhibiting original features the interiors are contemporary and chic in a blend of ideas uniquely their own.  All liberal eclectic’s passions can be found in this hotel; architecture, history, culture, interiors and coffee.

Additionally, Casa Bonay is in one of Barcelona’s most interesting cultural districts, Catalanes with many historical buildings close by including the magnificent Parc de la Ciutadella, the Hivernacle (Winter Garden), constructed by Josep Amargós i Samaranch 1883 – 1887 and the Castle of the Three Dragons; these memorable architectural finds are but three in the rich tapestry that is Barcelona.  Antoni Gaudí (1852 – 1926) is typically the first point of call.

The Casa Bonay project: “After writing down a list of all the things we stand for – delightful food, making love, sunlight, Mediterranean wine, books, cocktails, good coffee, music, yoga, and dancing – we put them all together and simply applied a valuable yet highly underestimated tool in the making: intuition. Casa Bonay is the fruition of an idea carried out by a diverse team of collaborators. Among these creators you can find lighting, furniture, interior, fabric, and graphic designers, homemade soap producers, local weavers, international chefs, book editors, and coffee and wine experts. The one thing we had in common was that we admired each other.

Casa Bonay is a hotel set up in a neoclassical building from 1869 in the center of Barcelona. We have restored everything from the floors to the ceilings so you can experience Barcelona as we have.  We spent years looking for the perfect home and the right people for our project and ended up in the same neighbourhood we grew up in. Right here, next to our local market, our park, the beach, our stores, and our neighbours.

Neighborhood stroll: We are located in the center of Barcelona in the perfectly peaceful Eixample Dret neighborhood, one of the most iconic areas of our city. We are a tiny walk and an even shorter bike ride from the beach, the Gothic and El Born city quarters, our favorite local markets, and beautiful parks.”

Accommodation: There is a great cross section of rooms within the hotel, some feature balconies, views of the city, courtyards and outdoor showers, all of them unique and stylish.  The Courtyard Terrace rooms and the Gran Via rooms are fortunate to have the original restored mosaic floors and high ceilings.

We have two rooftops at Casa Bonay: This beach shack rooftop restaurant offers summer barbecue and tapas all year round, a natural wine selection, and your favorite cocktails.”

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